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Faclair Mòr T

Gàidhlig gu Beurla

*polite/plural (f) feminine (m) masculine

taidh, an taidh
tie, the tie, ties
taigh, an taigh
house, the house, houses
taigh-bìdh, an taigh-bìdh
restaurant, the restaurant
taigh-cluiche, an taigh-cluiche
theatre, the theatre
taigh-dhealbh, an taigh-dhealbh
cinema, the cinema
taigh-òsta, an taigh-òsta
hotel, the hotel, hotels
talla, an talla
hall, the hall
taobh sear
east (side)
taobh siar
west (side)
tapadh leat
thank you
tapadh leibh
thank you
a’ teacsadh mo charaidean
texting my friends
teaghlach, an teaghlach
family, the family, families
Yes. I am.
Tha … a’ còrdadh rium.
I enjoy…
Tha ad gheal air Eilidh.
Helen is wearing a white hat.
Tha … agam.
I have a…
Tha am pathadh air.
He is thirsty.
Tha am pathadh oirre.
She is thirsty.
Tha am pathadh orm.
I am thirsty.
Tha an t-acras orm.
I am hungry.
Tha an tidsear crosta.
The teacher is cross.
Tha an tidsear snog.
The teacher is nice.
Tha … ann.
There is a … on.
Tha cat aig Màiri.
Mary has a cat.
Tha còta uaine air.
He is wearing a green coat.
Tha còta uaine oirre.
She is wearing a green coat.
Tha cù aig mo bhràthair.
My brother has a dog.
Tha cus obair-dachaigh ann.
There’s too much homework.
Tha e…
He is/It is…
Tha e cairteal an dèidh…
It’s quarter past…
Tha e còig mionaidean gu…
It’s ten minutes to…
Tha e còig mionaidean fichead gu…
It’s twenty five to…
Tha e deich mionaidean an dèidh…
It’s ten past…
Tha e deich notaichean.
It’s £10.
Tha e fichead mionaid gu…
It’s twenty to…
Tha e gu bhith dà uair.
It’s almost two o’clock.
Tha e leth-uair an dèidh…
It’s half past…
Tha e mu cheithir uairean.
It’s about four o’clock.
Tha earball fada air.
He has a long tail.
Tha earball fada oirre.
She has a long tail.
Tha geansaidh buidhe oirre.
She is wearing a yellow jumper.
Tha gràin agam air…
I hate…
Tha gu dòigheil.
Tha gu math.
Tha i…
She is…
Tha iad…
They are…
Tha Iain a’ fuireach…
Iain lives…
Tha lèine ghorm orm.
I am wearing a blue shirt.
Tha mi …
I am …
Tha mi a’ dol ann.
I’m going to it.
Tha mi a’ dol gu …
I’m going to a…
Tha mi a’ fuireach…
I live…
Tha mi ag iarraidh…
I want…
Tha mi ag obair ann am bùth.
I work in a shop.
Tha mi deiseil.
I’m finished.
Tha mi duilich.
I’m sorry.
Tha mi gun obair.
I’m unemployed.
Tha mi math air…
I am good at…
Tha peata agam.
I have a pet.
Tha mi seachd searbh sgìth dheth.
I’m absolutely fed up of it.
Tha mi sgìth dheth.
I’m fed up of him/it.
Tha mi sgìth dhi.
I’m fed up of her/it.
Tha mo cho-là-breith anns an Dùbhlachd.
My birthday is in December.
Tha mo mhàthair ag ràdh gu bheil sinn…
My mum says that we are…
Tha na sgoilearan eile càirdeil.
The other pupils are friendly.
Tha seacaid dhearg air Iain.
Iain is wearing a red jacket.
Tha seo doirbh.
This is difficult.
Tha seo sgoinneil!
This is fantastic!
Tha thu spaideil!
You look smart!
Thalla a-mach!
Get out!
Thallaibh a-mach!
Get out!
Thig a-steach!
Come in!
Thigibh a-steach!
Come in!
Thoir a-mach do leabhraichean!
Take out your books!
Thoiribh a-mach ur leabhraichean!
Take out your books!
tì, an tì
tea, the tea
tidsear, an tidsear
teacher, the teacher, teachers
a’ tighinn
a’ tighinn dhachaigh
coming home
tiogaid, an tiogaid
ticket, the ticket, tickets
Tìoraidh an-dràsta!
Cheerio for now!
Tiriodh, ann an Tiriodh
Tiree, in Tiree
a’ toirt seachad beachd
giving an opinion
toiseach, an toiseach
starts/starter, the start/the starter
Tobar Mhoire, ann an Tobar Mhoire
Tobermory, in Tobermory
tomàto, an tomàto
tomato, the tomato, tomatoes
lots/loads of
tòrr charaidean
lots of friends
tost, an tost
toast, the toast
tràth a h-aon
period one
trì bràithrean
three brothers
trì uairean
three o’clock
trithead ’s a trì
thirty three
Come here!
Come here!
turas, an turas
journey, the journey
turas fada
a long journey
Faclair Mòr App

Faclair Mòr App

Stòrlann, in collaboration with Sealgar IT Ltd, have produced a searchable phrasebook app for use in conjunction with the Ceumannan Gaelic learners’ course for secondary schools. The ‘Faclair Mòr’ app contains over 3 200 audio files from the book series and it is hoped pupils using the course will find the app useful as they get to grips with Gaelic.

The app is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

Faclair na Sgoile App

This is a Gaelic to Gaelic dictionary with auto-fill, which is very useful if you are in a hurry, or unsure of the word you’re looking for.

The app also has a Word of the Day feature which appears when you open the app. Try it now at Google Play and the App Store.