Fàilte gu Ceumannan 4 air-loidhne
Welcome to Ceumannan 4 on-line
Fàilte gu Ceumannan 4 – an ceathramh leabhar ann an cùrsa do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig san àrd-sgoil.
Tha prìomh amasan a’ chùrsa seo mar a bha anns na trì leabhraichean roimhe – sgilean Gàidhlig nan sgoilearan a thoirt air aDhàrt ann an dòigh far a bheil an obair tlachdmhor, tarraingeach agus feumail Dhàibh.
Thathar an dùil gum bi sgoilearan nas deònaiche cumail orra le Gàidhlig gus an ruigear fileantachd sa chànan agus gun tuigear gu bheil feum air a’ Ghàidhlig airson conaltradh a dhèanamh ann an diofar shuidheachaidhean taobh a-muigh na sgoile – aig an obair, san dachaigh agus ann an conaltradh pearsanta san fharsaingeachd.
Tha cruth a’ chùrsa stèidhichte air a’ Churraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais agus Ìre Nàiseanta 5.
Get started!
Grab your Ceumannan 4 book and learn some more Gaelic using the sound files on this site. You can find lots of new words on the Faclair Mòr pages. (If you want to learn but don’t have the book, don’t worry – if you look to the right on this page you will see some files to download. There are more on the Oisean an tidseir page.)
Here are some topics from the book…
- Say how many people are in your family. Talk about where people are from. Give information about yourself and your family
- Give opinions and make comparisions about some school subjects. Talk about the location of things. Say what you intend to do. Say whether or not you understand something
- Learn some words for things commonly seen in the countryside. Ask and say what you and others must/must not do. Ask, give and refuse permission
- Say what job someone has. Learn some adjectives to describe qualities needed for certain jobs. Understand fairly detailed information about a range of jobs. Say when something will happen
- Talk about your interests and plans for the future. Speaking assessment/presentation opportunity
- Comparing things and giving opinions. Dealing with money. Activities
- Eating out. Food and health
- Talk about where you would/would not like to go on holiday. Say you can’t wait for something to happen. Say that there is a lot to see and do in a place. Use ordinal numbers
- Use more complex and detailed language to talk about a holiday including travel and weather bulletins. Famous sights and attractions. Planning and making an itinerary. Recording information & communicating with home
Visit the Modalan pages to learn all that and lots more!