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Ceumannan > Leabhar 3

Fàilte gu Ceumannan 3 air-loidhne

Welcome to Ceumannan 3 on-line

Seo an làrach-lìn airson an treasaimh leabhair ann an cùrsa do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig san àrd-sgoil.

Tha an cùrsa stèidhichte air a’ Churraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais. Gheibhear obair leudachaidh agus fiosrachadh eile mun chùrsa air an làrach-lìn seo.

This is the website for the third book in a course for Gaelic learners in secondary school. The course is designed around Curriculum for Excellence. Listening extracts, extension work and other information can be found on this website.

Image: Sample Illustrations from Ceumannan 3

Get started!

Grab your Ceumannan 3 book and learn some more Gaelic using the sound files on this site! You can find lots of new words on the Faclair Mòr pages or sing a song at Siuthad Gabh òran! (If you want to learn but don’t have the book, don’t worry – if you look to the right on this page you will see some files to download. There are more on the Oisean an tidseir page.)

Here are some topics from the book…

Visit the Modalan pages to learn all that and lots more!

Graphic Text: Go on, learn the lingo!

Stick with Gaelic! Bilingualism has benefits…

Image: Expand your mind graphic

If you have any doubts about learning Gaelic, there are lots of recent studies which show that being bilingual has benefits. You might want to tell your friends this. It’s definitely COOL to have Gaelic!

Image: A big brain enlarged by Gaelic!
Image: The Gaelic for brain is eanchainn

Avoid a

Image: Brain Freeze Graphic

Have fun and get creative! Some of the best fun you can have is with Fèisean nan Gàidheal. Youth music, cèilidh trails, drama, Gaelic Learning, Fèisgoil, and lots more! Go to their website to find a Fèis or event near you…

This does what it says on the tin. (Canned Gaelic? Now there’s an idea!)

There is lots of interesting information about bilingualism on this page as well…

Do you have a little brother or sister? Tell your Mum or Dad about