Oisean an tidsear
Fàilte gu Ceumannan air-loidhne. Ceumannan is a lively, new Gaelic learners’ course for use in secondary schools.
The materials you will find on this website are complementary to the school textbook. You will find a range of materials to enhance learning and fluency: a talking dictionary, listening extracts and songs covering the new language in each module of the book. There are also video clips and downloadable worksheets to aid the consolidation of vocabulary and encourage the use of Gaelic amongst secondary school learners. The course is tailored to A Curriculum for Excellence and will provide Gaelic learners with the opportunity to fulfill the experiences and outcomes.
The use of ICT is very important at all stages of A Curriculum for Excellence and pupils are encouraged to develop their computer skills by using the online dictionary, listening extracts and using social networking tools such as GLOW. Pupils may also post their own interesting pieces of work and video clips of plays, songs etc made in class to give them a wider audience and a feeling of inclusion.
To ensure that children have the widest access to multimedia facilities on this and related websites, you should check that your computers have up to date web browsers installed.
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Download ALL the Ceumannan 1 files including PDFs, audio and images …
Tha goireas aig Stòrlann a-nis a leigeas le luchd-cleachdaidh stuthan a tha iad fhèin air ullachadh a luchdachadh suas gu stòr susbaint didseatach.
An uair sin bidh na stuthan rim faotainn le tidsearan eile airson an cur gu feum.