Oisean an sgoileir
Fàilte gu Ceumannan air-loidhne!
You can use this site to help you with your Gaelic lessons in school. There are
lots of different materials to be found on the site which will hopefully, help you learn Gaelic and make it even more fun! (All the material is not online yet but the pixies are hard at work adding more each day).
You’ll find video clips, listening extracts and songs, a talking dictionary and different worksheets to help you remember new words and become more fluent.
You should try to use Gaelic in all sorts of different situations – not just to answer the teacher when he/she asks you a question. You’ll soon be able to chat to your friends and to pupils in other schools – in Gaelic, of course, and you can post any video clips of plays and songs you do in class. Get to grips with homework with the help of the online dictionary and the extra worksheets. Why not shock your teacher by doing a crossword or an extra worksheet in your spare time? Tha obair mhòr romhad!