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Ceumannan > Leabhar 3 > C3 – Oisean an sgoilear

Oisean an sgoileir

Fàilte gu Ceumannan 3!

Learning Gaelic should be FUN! You can make it so.

You should try to use Gaelic in all sorts of different situations – not just to answer the teacher when he/she asks you a question. You should be able to chat to your friends and to pupils in other schools – in Gaelic, of course. Get to grips with homework with the help of the online dictionary and the extra worksheets. Why not shock your teacher by doing a crossword or an extra worksheet in your spare time? Tha obair mhòr romhad!

You can also have fun making your own little Gaelic speaking avatar using Voki (free) – if you do so, use some phrases you learned with Ceumannan and email them to us.

If you need help, look at An Seotal, and An Stòr-data Briathrachais Gàidhlig.

Become a Gaelic Teacher or study through the medium of Gaelic at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Having Gaelic gives you lots of career opportunities!