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cafaidh, an cafaidh
café, the café, cafés
Càirinis, ann an Càirinis
Carinish, in Cairinish
cairteal, an cairteal
quarter, the quarter
càise, an càise
cheese, the cheese
Càit a bheil…?
Where is…?
Càit a bheil an dannsa?
Where is the dance?
Càit a bheil Iain a’ fuireach?
Where does Iain live?
Càit a bheil sibh a’ fuireach?
Where do you live?
Càit a bheil sibh fhèin a’ fuireach?
Where do
Càit a bheil thu a’ fuireach?
Where do you live?
Càit a bheil thu ag obair?
Where do you work?
Càit a bheil thu fhèin a’ fuireach?
Where do
Càit an robh thu?
Where were you?
càl, an càl
cabbage, the cabbage
caogad ’s a còig
fifty five
a bit
Carson as toigh leat…?
Why do you like…?
Carson as toigh leibh…?
Why do you like…?
Carson nach toigh leat…?
Why don’t you like…?
Carson nach toigh leibh…?
Why don’t you like…?
cas, a’ chas
foot, the foot, feet
casan beaga
little legs
casan fada
long legs
casan geala
white legs/feet
cat, an cat
cat, the cat, cats
ceann a deas
south (end)
ceann a tuath
north (end)
ceapaire, an ceapaire
sandwich, the sandwich, sandwiches
cearc, a’ chearc
chicken, the chicken
cearc ròsta
roast chicken
ceart gu leòr
ceathrad ’s a ceithir
forty four
cèic, a’ chèic
cake, the cake, cakes
cèic seòclaid
chocolate cake
cèilidh, an cèilidh
cèilidh, an cèilidh
ceist, a’ cheist
question, the question, questions
An Cèitean, anns a’ Chèitean
May, in May
ceithir peathraichean
four sisters
ceithir uairean
four o’clock
ceòl, an ceòl
music, the music
one hundred
Cha chaomh.
I don’t like. (Lewis)
Cha chaomh leam.
I don’t like… (Lewis)
Cha d’ fhiach e!
It’s useless!
Campbell (female)
Cha robh.
No. (…was/were not.)
Cha robh mi…
I was not…
Cha robh mi a’ dèanamh sìon/càil/dad/sgath.
I wasn’t doing anything.
Cha robh mi gu math.
I wasn’t well.
Cha tig an aois leatha fhèin.
Age doesn’t come alone.
Cha toigh/Cha toigh l’.
No. (I don’t like)
Cha toigh leam…
I don’t like…
Cha toigh leam an tidsear.
I don’t like the teacher.
Chan e … a th’ ann.
It’s not a….
Chan e … a th’ ann an-diugh.
It’s not … today
Chan e do ghnothach a th’ ann!
It’s none of your business!
Chan e sin…
That is not…
Chan eil.
No. It isn’t.
Chan eil … a’ còrdadh rium.
I don’t enjoy…
Chan eil airgead gu leòr agam.
I don’t have enough money.
Chan eil … agam.
I don’t have a …
Chan eil am pathadh air.
He is not thirsty.
Chan eil am pathadh oirre.
She is not thirsty.
Chan eil am pathadh orm.
I’m not thirsty.
Chan eil an t-acras orm.
I’m not hungry.
Chan eil càil/dad/sgath/sìon a’ dol.
There’s nothing happening.
Chan eil cuimhn’ agam.
I can’t remember.
Chan eil dad a’ dol Diciadain.
There’s nothing happening on Wednesday.
Chan eil dona.
Not bad.
Chan eil e…
He’s not/It’s not…
Chan eil e ceàrr.
He’s not wrong.
Chan eil e/i…
It isn’t…
Chan eil i ceart.
She isn’t right.
Chan eil e snog.
He’s not/It’s not nice.
Chan eil fhios agam.
I don’t know.
Chan eil i
She’s not/It’s not…
Chan eil iad…
They’re not…
Chan eil Iain a’ fuireach…
Iain doesn’t live…
Chan eil mi a’ dol ann.
I’m not going.
Chan eil mi a’ fuireach…
I don’t live…
Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn.
I don’t understand.
Chan eil mi ag iarraidh…
I don’t want…
Chan eil mi ag iarraidh sìon/càil/dad/sgath.
I don’t want anything.
Chan eil mi gu math.
I’m not well.
Chan eil mi math air…
I’m not good at it…
Chan eil mòran.
Not much.
Chan eil mòran a’ dol.
There’s not much happening.
Chan eil peata agam.
I don’t have a pet.
Chan eil peata aig Iain.
Iain doesn’t have a pet.
Chan eil seo dona.
This isn’t bad.
Chan eil sgillinn ruadh agam!
I haven’t got a penny!
Chan fhaod.
No. (You may not.)
Chì mi.
I’ll see.
cho caol ri bior
as thin as a needle (as thin as a rake)
cho coltach ri dà sgadan
as alike as two herring (like two peas in a pod)
cho donn ri cnò
as brown as a nut
cho dubh ri gual
as black as coal
cho geal ri gruth
as white as crowdie
cho gorm ri feur
as green as the grass
cho reamhar ri ròn
as fat as a seal
cho tinn ri cù
as sick as a dog
cho trang ri seillean
as busy as a bee
cho mòr ri beinn
as big as a mountain
Cia mheud?
How many?
Cia mheud … a th’ ann?
How many are there?
Cia mheud peata a th’ agad?
How many pets do you have?
Cia mheud peata a th’ agaibh?
How many pets do you have?
Ciamar a bha…?
How was/were…?
Ciamar a tha…?
How is/are…?
Ciamar a tha sibh?
How are you?
Ciamar a tha sibh fhèin?
How are
Ciamar a tha thu?
How are you?
Ciamar a tha thu fhèin?
How are
Cille Bhrìghde an Ear, ann an Cille Bhrìghde an Ear
East Kilbride, in East Kilbride
Cille Mheàrnaig, ann an Cille Mheàrnaig
Kilmarnock, in Kilmarnock
Cinn a’ Ghiùthsaich, ann an Cinn a’ Ghiùthsaich
Kingussie, in Kingussie
clàr-ama, an clàr-ama
timetable, the timetable
clàr-bìdh, an clàr-bìdh
menu, the menu
cluasan fada
long ears
cluasan mòra
big ears
club-dràma, an club-dràma
drama club, the drama club
club-òigridh, an club-òigridh
youth club, the youth club
a’ cluich
a’ cluich ball-coise
playing football
a’ cluich gheamannan coimpiutair
playing computer games
a’ cluich iomain
playing shinty
a’ cluich rugbaidh
playing rugby
co-là-breith, an co-là-breith (m)
birthday, the birthday
Cò ris a tha … coltach?
What is … like?
Cò ris a tha e coltach?
What is he/it like?
Cò tha nad theaghlach?
Who is in your family?
còc, an còc
coke, the coke
còcaire, an còcaire
cook/chef, the cook/chef
a’ còcaireachd
cofaidh, an cofaidh
coffee, the coffee
còig uairean
five o’clock
a’ coimhead … air an TBh
watching … on TV
a’ coimhead TBh
watching TV
Coimpiutaireachd (
coineanach, an coineanach
rabbit, the rabbit, rabbits
coiridh, an coiridh
curry, the curry
còisir Ghàidhlig, a’ chòisir Ghàidhlig
Gaelic choir, the Gaelic choir
coltach ri…
coltach rium
like me
coltas, an coltas
appearance, the appearance
Coma leat!
Never mind!
còmhla ri mo charaidean
with my friends
consairt, an consairt
concert, the concert
Cor math
Good. (as an answer to “Dè do chor?”)
còta, an còta
coat, the coat, coats
Religious Education
croitear, an croitear
crofter, the crofter, crofters
cù, an cù
dog, the dog, dogs
also, too
Cuidich mi!
Help me!
cuileag, a’ chuileag
fly, the fly
cuilean, an cuilean
puppy, the puppy, puppies
Cuin a bha…?
When was/were…?
Cuin a tha…?
When is/are…?
Cuin a tha do cho-là-breith ann?
When is your birthday?
Cuin a tha e ann?
When is it on?
Cuir air an solas!
Put/turn on the light!
Cuir air an TBh!
Put/turn on the TV!
Cuir dheth an rèidio!
Put/turn on the radio!
Cuir dhìot do sheacaid!
Take off your jacket!
Cuir ort do sheacaid!
Put on your jacket!
Cuir suas do làmh!
Put up your hand!
Cuir do leabhraichean air falbh!
Put your books away!
Cuiribh ur leabhraichean air falbh!
Put away your books!
Cuiribh dhibh ur seacaidean!
Take off your jackets!
Cuiribh oirbh ur seacaidean!
Put on your jackets!
Cuiribh suas ur làmhan!
Put up your hand!
cupa, an cupa
cup, the cup
cupa tì
cup of tea
a’ cur
cur-seachadan, na cur-seachadan
pastimes, the pastimes
Cur-seachadan agus Tachartasan
Hobbies and Events
curran, an curran
carrots, the carrot, carrots
cuspair, an cuspair
subject, the subject, subjects
cuspairean-sgoile, na cuspairean-sgoile
school subjects, the school subjects

Faclair Mòr C

Gàidhlig gu Beurla

*polite/plural (f) feminine (m) masculine

Faclair Mòr App

Faclair Mòr App

Stòrlann, in collaboration with Sealgar IT Ltd, have produced a searchable phrasebook app for use in conjunction with the Ceumannan Gaelic learners’ course for secondary schools. The ‘Faclair Mòr’ app contains over 3 200 audio files from the book series and it is hoped pupils using the course will find the app useful as they get to grips with Gaelic.

The app is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

Faclair na Sgoile App

This is a Gaelic to Gaelic dictionary with auto-fill, which is very useful if you are in a hurry, or unsure of the word you’re looking for.

The app also has a Word of the Day feature which appears when you open the app. Try it now at Google Play and the App Store.