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Faclair Mòr T

Gàidhlig gu Beurla

*polite/plural (f) feminine (m) masculine

taDhàil air
a’ taDhàl air
taisbeanadh fasain, an taisbeanadh fasain(m)
fashion show, the fashion show
taisbeanadh, an taisbeanadh (m)
exhibition, the exhibition
taisbeanaidhean, na taisbeanaidhean
exhibitions, the exhibitions
tè, an tè (f)
one, the one (referring to a feminine noun)
teaching (noun)
a’ teagasg
teas, an teas (m)
heat, the heat
teistiche, an teistiche (m)
referee, the referee (for employment)
Tha Alana ag ràdh gum bi i ag obair as t-samhradh
Alana says that she’ll be working in summer
Tha am Poileas ag ràdh gu bheil pàirt den rathad dùinte
The Police say that part of the road is closed
Tha an Ròimh faisg air trì mìle bliadhna a dh’ aois
Rome is nearly three thousand years old
Tha an t-acras gam tholladh
I’m starving
Tha Cailean an dùil an sgoil fhàgail
Colin intends to leave school
Tha cuileag nam shailead!
There’s a fly in my salad!
tha cus obrach ann
There’s too much work involved in it
Tha daoine ag ràdh gur e baile brèagha a th’ anns an Ròimh
People say that Rome is a beautiful city
Tha daoine ag ràdh
people say
Tha dragh orm
I am worried/concerned
Tha e na thidsear
He is a teacher
Tha e na…
he is a…
Tha eacarsaich cudromach
Exercise is important
Tha fadachd orm d’ fhaicinn
I can’t wait to see you
Tha fadachd orm
I can’t wait/I’m longing for…
Tha fios agam nach eil … math dhut
I know that … isn’t good for you
Tha gràin agam air…
I hate…
Tha i ag ràdh gun robh an t-sìde grod
She says that the weather was horrible
tha i na Tidseir
she is a teacher.
tha i na…
she is a…
Tha mi ’n dùil an sgoil fhàgail
I intend to leave school
Tha mi ’n dùil Fraingis a dhèanamh
I intend to do French
Tha mi a’ coimhead cho reamhar ri ròn!
I look as fat as a seal!
Tha mi a’ dol leat
I agree with you
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil mi math air m’ obair
I think I’m good at my job.
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil…
I think that…
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e an taigh-bìdh Greugach an t-aite
I think that the Greek restaurant is the best place in town.
Tha mi air mo lathadh
I’m frozen
Tha mi airson … fheuchainn
I would like to try…
Tha mi airson cùrsa còcaireachd a dhèanamh
I want to do a cookery course
Tha mi airson feuchainn
I would like to try
Tha mi airson fuireach ann an Glaschu
I want to live in Glasgow
Tha mi airson obair fhaighinn
I want to get a job
Tha mi airson…
I want to…/I would like to…
Tha mi an dòchas gum bi am piotsa math.
I hope that the pizza will be good.
Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd a’ chuairt ribh
I hope you enjoy the tour/Trìp
Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd am biadh ribh
I hope that you enjoy the food
Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e rithe/ris
I hope that s/he enjoys/likes it
Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e riut/ribh.*
I hope that you enjoy/like it.
Tha mi an dòchas gun do chòrd am biadh ribh.
I hope that you enjoyed the food.
Tha mi an dòchas nach bi i tinn.
I hope that she will not be ill.
Tha mi an dòchas
I hope
Tha mi gur faicinn*
I’m seeing you/I see you
Tha mi gur n-ionndrainn*
I’m missing you/I miss you
Tha mi meaDhànach math air…
I’m quite good at…
Tha mi nam dhràibhear
I am a driver.
Tha mi nam…
I am a…
Tha mi uabhasach measail air…
I’m really keen on…
Tha mise den bheachd…
I am of the opinion…
Tha mu cheithir millean neach a’ fuireach ann
Around four million people live there
Tha nàbaidhean laghach againn
We have nice neighbours
Tha sianar nam theaghlach
There are six people in my family
Tha sinn gur cluinntinn*
We are seeing you/We can see you
Tha thu cho caol ri bior!
You’re as thin as a rake!
tha ùidh mhòr agam ann an…
I’m really interested in…
Tha/chan eil … dona dhut …
is/is not bad for you
Tha/chan eil … math dhut …
is/is not good for you
Tha/chan eil … a’ tighinn ris
…does/doesn’t suit him
Tha/chan eil … a’ tighinn rithe
…does/doesn’t suit her
Tha/chan eil … a’ tighinn riut
…does/doesn’t suit you
Tha/Chan eil e gu diofar
It does/doesn’t matter
Tha/Chan eil mi ag aontachadh
I agree/disagree
Tha/Chan eil mi ga thuigsinn
I do/don’t understand him/it
Tha/Chan eil mi ga tuigsinn
I do/don’t understand her/it
Tha/Chan eil mi gad chluinntinn
I am/I’m not hearing you
Tha/Chan eil mi gad thuigsinn
I do/don’t understand you
a thaghadh
to choose
thall thairis
Thig mi gur coinneachadh*
I’ll come to meet you
Thoir dhomh…
Give me…
a thoirt
to take/to bring
Thuirt am boireannach gum bi am plèan air dheireadh.
The woman said the plane will be delayed
Thuirt Calum nach eil e ag iarraidh deoch
Calum said that he doesn’t want a drink
Thuirt Fionnlagh gun robh an taigh-bìdh math
Finlay said that the restaurant was good
Thuirt i gun robh am plèan air dheireadh
She said that the plane was delayed
Thuirt Mìcheal nach bi e a’ falbh
Michael said that he will not be going away
Thuirt Yusef gu bheil e a’ dol Dhàn Spàinn
Yusef said that he is going to Spain
tìde gu leòr
plenty of time/enough time
tiùna, an tiùna (m)
tuna fish, the tuna fish
tobhtaichean, na tobhtaichean
ruins, the ruins
togalach, an togalach (m)
building, the building
tòrr bhùthan
lots of shops
tòrr eile
lots more
tòrr èisg
lots of fish
tòrr obrach
lots of work
tòrr rudan inntinneach
lots of interesting things
tòrr sgrìobhaidh
lots of writing
trafaig, an trafaig (m)
traffic, the traffic
tràighean brèagha
lovely beaches
tràighean mòra geala
big white beaches
trèanadh, an trèanadh (m)
training, the training
trì mìle bliadhna
three thousand years
Trìùir pheathraichean
three sisters
three people
a’ trod
tuarastal, an tuarastal (m)
salary/wage, the salary/wage
tuathanach, an tuathanach (m)
farmer, the farmer
tuathanas, an tuathanas (m)
farm, the farm
tuathanasan, na tuathanasan
farms, the farms
tuilleadh fiosrachaidh
more information
turas-bàta, an turas-bàta (m)
boat Trìp, the boat Trìp
Faclair Mòr App

Faclair Mòr App

Stòrlann, in collaboration with Sealgar IT Ltd, have produced a searchable phrasebook app for use in conjunction with the Ceumannan Gaelic learners’ course for secondary schools. The ‘Faclair Mòr’ app contains over 3 200 audio files from the book series and it is hoped pupils using the course will find the app useful as they get to grips with Gaelic.

The app is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

Faclair na Sgoile App

This is a Gaelic to Gaelic dictionary with auto-fill, which is very useful if you are in a hurry, or unsure of the word you’re looking for.

The app also has a Word of the Day feature which appears when you open the app. Try it now at Google Play and the App Store.