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Faclair Mòr B

Gàidhlig gu Beurla

*polite/plural (f) feminine (m) masculine

B’ fheàrr leam…
I would prefer…/I wish…
baga-droma, am baga-droma (m)
backpack, the backpack
bagaichean-droma, na bagaichean-droma
backpacks, the backpacks
Bàgh a’ Chaisteil
Baile a’ Mhanaich
Baile na Bhatacain
Vatican City
bargan, am bargan (m)
bargain, the bargain
Basilica Naoimh Pheadair
Saint Peter’s Basilica
beanntan mòra
big mountains, the big mountains
beanntan, na beanntan
mountains, the mountains
beathach, am beathach (m)
animal, the animal
beathaichean, na beathaichean
animals, the animals
Beinn na Fadhla
beinn, a’ bheinn (f)
mountain, the mountain
bheat, a bheat (m)
a vet, the vet
Bhiodh … a’ tighinn riut
…would suit you.
Bhiodh … math
…would be good
Bhiodh e math Eadailtis ionnsachadh
It would be good to learn Italian
Bhiodh Gàidhlig feumail
Gaelic would be useful
Bhiodh ùidh agam ann an obair le Gàidhlig
I would be interested in a job with Gaelic
Bhiodh ùidh agam ann an…
I would be interested in…
Bhiodh…a’ còrdadh rium
I would enjoy…
a bhith
to be
‘Yes’(in answer to a question beginning ‘Am biodh?’)
Bhithinn freagarrach airson na h-obrach
I would be suitable for the job
Bhithinn math air an obair
I would be good at the job
I would
bholcàno, a’ bholcàno (f)
volcano, the volcano
a bhruidhinn
to talk
from me (emphatic)
biadh Albannach
Scottish food
biadh de gach seòrsa
all kinds of food
biadh Eadailteach
Italian food
biadh Frangach
French food
biadh Gearmailteach
German food
biadh Greugach
Greek food
biadh Iapanach
Japanese food
biadh Innseanach
Indian food
biadh na mara
biadh Sìonach
Chinese food
biadh Spàinnteach
Spanish food
biadh traidiseanta
traditional food
Bidh cuid ag ràdh
Some people say
Bidh dàil uair a thìde ann
there will be a delay of an hour
Bidh daoine ag ràdh gu bheil na rathaidean eagalach
People say the roads are scary
Bidh dotairean ag ràdh…
Doctors say…
Bidh dragh orra
They will be worried/concerned
Bidh e gu math saillte dhut!
It will cost you dearly/You’ll pay for it.
cho làn ri cnò
As full as a nut (very full)
cho marbh ri sgadan
as dead as a herring
Bidh mi a’ gabhail air mo shocair
I’ll be relaxing/I relax
Bidh mi air mo lathadh
I’ll be frozen
Bidh mi ga chleachdadh
I will be using it/I use it
Bidh mi toilichte sgur dheth
I’ll be happy to give it up
Bith-eòlas (m)
bòrd airson deichnear
a table for ten
bòrd-sneachda, am bòrd-sneachda (m)
snowboard, the snowboard
bòtannan-sneachda, na bòtannan-sneachda
ski boots, the ski boots
bràithrean, na bràithrean
brothers, the brothers
briogais-ghoirid, a’ bhriogais-ghoirid (f)
shorts, the shorts
briogais-sneachda, a’ bhriogais-sneachda (f)
salopettes, the salopettes
briogais-uisge, a’ bhriogais-uisge (f)
waterproof trousers
brisgeanan, na brisgeanan
crisps, the crisps
Bu toigh leam … a dhèanamh
I would like to do…
Bu toigh leam … fhaicinn
I would like to see…
Bu toigh leam a dhol…
I would like to go…
Bu toigh leam
I would like
Bu toigh
Yes (in answer to a question beginning ‘Am bu toigh?’)
bùrach, am bùrach (m)
mess/muddle, the mess/the muddle
Faclair Mòr App

Faclair Mòr App

Stòrlann, in collaboration with Sealgar IT Ltd, have produced a searchable phrasebook app for use in conjunction with the Ceumannan Gaelic learners’ course for secondary schools. The ‘Faclair Mòr’ app contains over 3 200 audio files from the book series and it is hoped pupils using the course will find the app useful as they get to grips with Gaelic.

The app is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

Faclair na Sgoile App

This is a Gaelic to Gaelic dictionary with auto-fill, which is very useful if you are in a hurry, or unsure of the word you’re looking for.

The app also has a Word of the Day feature which appears when you open the app. Try it now at Google Play and the App Store.