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Faclair Mòr S

Gàidhlig gu Beurla

*polite/plural (f) feminine (m) masculine

’S ann à Barraigh a tha mo sheanair
my grandpa is from Barra
’S ann à/às … a tha mi
I am from…
’S ann
‘Yes’ (in answer to a question beginning ‘An ann…?’)
’S e Albannach a th’ annam
I’m Scottish
’S e Eadailteach a th’ ann
He’s Italian
’S fheàrr leam am fear sin
I prefer that one. (referring to a masculine noun)
’S fheàrr leam an tè sin
I prefer that one. (referring to a feminine noun)
’S math ur faicinn*
It’s good to see you
sa gheamhradh
in (the) winter
sabhs, an sabhs (m)
sauce, the sauce
saileadan, na saileadan
salads, the salads
sam bith
samhradh, an samhradh (m)
summer, the summer
free, cheap
seacaid-sneachda, an t-seacaid-sneachda (f)
ski jacket, the ski jacket
seachdnar pheathraichean
seven sisters
seven people
sealladh, an sealladh (m)
view, the view
seallaidhean àlainn
beautiful sights/views
seallaidhean brèagha
beautiful views
seallaidhean, na seallaidhean
views, the views
seann daoine, na seann daoine
old people/pensioners,the old people/pensioners
seann eaglaisean
old churches
seasgad mìle neach
sixty thousand people
seirbheis, an t-seirbheis (f)
service, the service
Seòras bochd
poor George
sgadan saillte, an sgadan saillte
salt herring, the salt herring
sgadan, an sgadan (m)
herring, the herring
a sgrìobhadh
to tidy
sgudal, an sgudal (m)
rubbish, the rubbish
sianar bhràithrean
six brothers
six people
sìon eile
anything else
Chinese (nationality)
Siorrachd Pheairt
solais trafaig, na solais trafaig
trafaig traffic lights, the traffic lights
Spanish (nationality)
speuclairean-grèine, na speuclairean-grèine
sunglasses, the sunglasses
speuclairean-sneachda, na speuclairean-sneachda
ski goggles, the ski goggles
rock climbing
sreap nam beann
mountain climbing
stiùiridhean, na stiùiridhean
directions, the directions
sùgh-mheasan, an sùgh-mheasan (m)
fruit juice, the fruit juice
surfadh gaoithe
Faclair Mòr App

Faclair Mòr App

Stòrlann, in collaboration with Sealgar IT Ltd, have produced a searchable phrasebook app for use in conjunction with the Ceumannan Gaelic learners’ course for secondary schools. The ‘Faclair Mòr’ app contains over 3 200 audio files from the book series and it is hoped pupils using the course will find the app useful as they get to grips with Gaelic.

The app is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

Faclair na Sgoile App

This is a Gaelic to Gaelic dictionary with auto-fill, which is very useful if you are in a hurry, or unsure of the word you’re looking for.

The app also has a Word of the Day feature which appears when you open the app. Try it now at Google Play and the App Store.