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Faclair Mòr C

Gàidhlig gu Beurla

*polite/plural (f) feminine (m) masculine

caibeal, an caibeal (m)
chapel, the chapel
cairt-creideis, a’ chairt-creideis (f)
credit card, the credit card
Caisteal Dhùn Bheagain
Dunvegan Castle
Càit am bu toigh leat a dhol?
Where would you like to go?
camanachd, a’ chamanachd (f)
shinty, the shinty
caora, a’ chaora (f)
a sheep, the sheep
caoraich, na caoraich
sheep, the sheep
càraichean air mhàl
car hire
cead-siubhail, an cead-siubhail (m)
passport, the passport
Ceann a’ Bhràighe
Ceannard, an Ceannard (m)
Headmaster, the Headmaster
ceathrar bhràithrean
four brothers
four people
Ceimigeachd (f)
ceithir millean neach
four million people
ceòl traidiseanta
traditional music
ceud not an duine
one hundred pounds per person
Cha bhiodh ùidh agam ann an…
I wouldn’t be interested in…
Cha bhiodh…a’ còrdadh rium
I wouldn’t enjoy…
Cha bhitheadh
‘No’(in answer to a question beginning ‘Am biodh?’)
Cha bhithinn airson fuireach ann an Dùn Èideann
I wouldn’t want to live in Edinburgh
Cha bhithinn
I would not
Cha bu toigh
‘No’ (In answer to a question beginning ‘Am bu toigh?’)
Cha bu toigh leam a dhol…
I wouldn’t like to go…
Chan ann à/às … a tha mi
I am not from…
Chan ann às an Eilean Sgitheanach a tha m’ athair
my dad is not from Skye
Chan ann
‘No’ (in answer to a question beginning ‘An ann…?’)
Chan eil ach bràthair agam
I only have a brother
Chan eil ach dithis nam theaghlach
There are only two people in my family
Chan eil ach…
It is only/There are only…
Chan eil cus salainn math dhut.
Too much salt is not good for you.
Chan eil iad gar cluinntinn
They aren’t hearing us/They can’t hear us.
Chan eil mi ’n dùil…
I don’t plan/intend to…
Chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil…
I don’t think that…
Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn…
I don’t understand…
Chan eil mi airson a bhith nam dhotair
I don’t want to be a doctor
Chan eil mi airson a dhol Dhàn cholaiste
I don’t want to go to university
Chan eil mi airson…
I don’t want to…/I wouldn’t like to…
Chan eil mi cinnteach
I’m not sure
Chan eil mi gam faicinn
I’m not seeing them/I can’t see them
Chan eil mi uabhasach measail air…
I am not very keen on…
Chan eil na mise
Me neither
Chan eil ùidh agam ann an…
I’m not interested in…
Chan fhaod sibh dealbhan a thogail
You may not take photographs
Chan fhaod sibh smocadh
You may not smoke
Chan fhaod thu fòn-làimhe a thoirt leat
You may not take a mobile phone with you.
Chan fhaod
‘No’ (in answer to a question beginning ‘Am faod?’)
Chan fheum mi … a thoirt leam
I don’t need to take … with me
Chan fheum mi lèine agus taidh a chur orm
I don’t have to wear a suit and tie.
Chan fheum
‘No’ (in answer to a question beginning ‘Am feum…?)
Chan urrainn dhomh a bhith a’ gearan
I can’t complain
Chan urrainn dhomh ithe le chopsticks
I can’t eat with chopsticks
Chanainn gu bheil e caran daor
I would say it’s pretty expensive
Chanainn gur e seo an taigh-bìdh as fheàrr
I would say this is the best restaurant
I would say…
a cheannach
to buy
Chì mi a dh’ aithghearr thu/sibh
See you soon
a chleachdadh
to use
a chluich
to play
cho daor
so expensive
cho tioram
so boring
Cho tiugh ri seann bhròg
As tough as an old shoe
a chumail
to keep/to hold
a chur
to put
Cia mheud a tha nad theaghlach?
How many are in your family?
cileagram, an cileagram (m)
kilogram, the kilogram
cileagraman, na cileagraman
kilogrammes, the kilogrammes
cladach, an cladach (m)
shore, the shore
cladaichean, na cladaichean
shores, the shores
clionaig, a’ chlionaig (f)
clinic, the clinic
clogaid, a’ chlogaid (f)
helmet, the helmet
club-tàileisg, an club-tàileisg (m)
chess club, the chess club
co-fharpais, a’ cho-fharpais (f)
competition, the competition
còignear pheathraichean
five sisters
five people
coille, a’ choille (f)
wood, the wood (woodland)
coilltean, na coilltean
woods, the woods
coimhearsnachd, a’ choimhearsnachd (f)
community, the community
Colaiste na Gàidhlig
the Gaelic College
colaiste, a’ cholaiste (f)
college, the college
còmhla rinn
along with us
còmhla ris
along with him
còmhla rithe
along with her
còmhla rium
along with me
companaidh lagha, a’ chompanaidh lagha (f)
law firm, the law firm
corra uair
ocassionally/now and then
craobh, a’ chraobh (f)
tree, the tree
craobhan, na craobhan
trees, the trees
craoladairean, na craoladairean
broadcasters, the broadcasters
creag, a’ chreag (f)
rock, the rock
creagan, na creagan
rocks, the rocks
crodh, an crodh (m)
cattle, the cattle
cuairt, a’ chuairt (f)
Trìp/tour, the Trìp/the tour
cuairtean, na cuairtean
Trìps/tours, the Trìps/tours
cuarain, na cuarain
sandals, the sandals
a’ cuideachadh Dhàoine
helping people
cuimhneachain, na cuimhneachain
souvenirs, the souvenirs
cuimhneachan, an cuimhneachan (m)
souvenir, the souvenir
cunntas, an cunntas (m)
bill, the bill
cùrsa còcaireachd, an cùrsa còcaireachd (m)
a cookery course, the cookery course
cùrsa coimpiutaireachd, an cùrsa coimpiutaireachd (m)
a computing course, the computing course
cùrsa colaiste, an cùrsa colaiste
a college course, the college course
cùrsa ealain, an cùrsa ealain (m)
an art course, the art course
cùrsa, an cùrsa (m)
course, the course
cus salainn
too much salt
too much
Faclair Mòr App

Faclair Mòr App

Stòrlann, in collaboration with Sealgar IT Ltd, have produced a searchable phrasebook app for use in conjunction with the Ceumannan Gaelic learners’ course for secondary schools. The ‘Faclair Mòr’ app contains over 3 200 audio files from the book series and it is hoped pupils using the course will find the app useful as they get to grips with Gaelic.

The app is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

Faclair na Sgoile App

This is a Gaelic to Gaelic dictionary with auto-fill, which is very useful if you are in a hurry, or unsure of the word you’re looking for.

The app also has a Word of the Day feature which appears when you open the app. Try it now at Google Play and the App Store.