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Faclair Mòr T

Gàidhlig gu Beurla

*polite/plural (f) feminine (m) masculine

taigh-tasgaidh, an taigh-tasgaidh (m)
a’ teagasg Eachdraidh
teaching History
teanas (m)
teanta, an teanta (f), teantaichean
a tent, the tent, tents
Tha an cianalas orm.
I’m homesick.
Tha an cnatan orm.
I’ve got the cold.
Tha an dèideadh orm.
I’ve got toothache.
Tha an t-eagal orm.
I’m scared.
Tha Anna nas òige na Iain.
Anna is younger than Iain.
Tha cas a’ fuireach, ‘s cas a’ falbh.
I can’t make up my mind.
Tha cuimhn’ agam.
I remember.
Tha cur na mara orm.
I’m seasick.
Tha falt … air.
He has … hair.
Tha falt … oirre.
She has … hair.
Tha falt … orm.
I have … hair.
Tha falt bàn air Catrìona.
Catherine has blonde hair.
Tha i fuar.
It’s cold.
Tha mi a’ dol a chur orm…
I am going to put on/ wear…
Tha mi a’ faireachdainn uabhasach.
I feel terrible.
Tha mi ag iarraidh obair air bàta.
I want a job on a boat.
Tha mi coma.
I don’t care/I don’t mind.
Tha mi tinn.
I’m sick/ill.
Tha mo cheann na bhrochan.
I’m confused/in a muddle.
Tha mo chluasan goirt.
My ears are sore
Tha nàire orm.
I’m embarrassed.
Tha sneachd ann.
It’s snowing.
Tha speuclairean air.
He wears glasses.
Tha speuclairean oirre.
She wears glasses.
Tha speuclairean orm.
I wear glasses.
Tha sùilean … agam.
I have … eyes.
Tha sùilean … aice.
She has … eyes
Tha sùilean … aige.
He has … eyes.
Tha sùilean uaine aig Niall.
Neil has green eyes.
Tha … ceart gu leòr.
…is OK.
Tha an t-airgead math.
The money is good.
Yes, …will go. (in answer to An tèid…?)
Thèid mi…
I will go/I go…
Thig air ais an ceann seachdain!
Come back in a week!
Thuit mi.
I fell.
ill, sick
tòrr chur-seachadan
lots of activities
tòrr rudan
lots of things
tràigh, an tràigh (f), tràighean
a beach, the beach, beaches
trèan, an trèan (f), trèanaichean
a train, the train, trains
tubaist, an tubaist (f), tubaistean
accident, the accident, accidents
turas-sgoile, an turas-sgoile (m)
a school trip, the school trip
Faclair Mòr App

Faclair Mòr App

Stòrlann, in collaboration with Sealgar IT Ltd, have produced a searchable phrasebook app for use in conjunction with the Ceumannan Gaelic learners’ course for secondary schools. The ‘Faclair Mòr’ app contains over 3 200 audio files from the book series and it is hoped pupils using the course will find the app useful as they get to grips with Gaelic.

The app is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

Faclair na Sgoile App

This is a Gaelic to Gaelic dictionary with auto-fill, which is very useful if you are in a hurry, or unsure of the word you’re looking for.

The app also has a Word of the Day feature which appears when you open the app. Try it now at Google Play and the App Store.