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Faclair Mòr A

Gàidhlig gu Beurla

*polite/plural (f) feminine (m) masculine

A bheil an cnatan ort/oirbh?*
Do you have the cold?
A bheil an t-airgead math?
Is the money good?
A bheil cuimhn’ agad/agaibh?*
Do you remember?
A bheil do cheann goirt?
Is your head sore?
A bheil e nas fheàrr a-nis?
Is he/it better now?
a Chanada
to Canada
a dh’Uibhist
to Uist
a Dhùn Èideann
to Edinburgh
a Ghlaschu
to Glasgow
à Glaschu
from Glasgow
a Leòdhas
to Lewis
a Loch nam Madadh
to Lochmaddy
a Mhuile
to Mull
a Pharis
to Paris
a Shasainn
to England
Abair spòrs!
What fun!
aig a’ chidhe
at the pier
aig an taigh
at home
ainm-sgrìobhte, an t-ainm-sgrìobhte (m)
signature, the signature
air ais
air an TBh
on the TV
air chall
air falbh
air iarraidh
àireamh-fòn, an àireamh-fòn (f), àireamhan-fòn
phone number, the phone number, phone numbers
Am bi…?
Will … be?
Am bi thu/sibh ag obair?*
Do you work?/Will you be working?
Am faca tu/sibh…?*
Did you see…?
you idiot!
amar-snàmh, an t-amar-snàmh (m)
swimming pool, the swimming pool
ambaileans, an ambaileans (f)
ambulance, the ambulance
amhach, an amhach (f)
throat/neck, the throat/ neck
An cuala tu/sibh…?*
Did you hear…?
An deach thu/sibh…?*
Did you go…?
An deach thu riamh dhan Spàinn?
Have you ever been to Spain?
An do bhuannaich thu?
Did you win?
An do bhruidhinn thu (ri)…?
Did you talk (to)…?
An do cheannaich thu…?
Did you buy…?
An do cheannaich thu preasantan?
Did you buy presents?
An do chluich thu iomain?
Did you play shinty?
An do choimhead thu…?
Did you watch…?
An do chòrd e riut/ribh?*
Did you enjoy it?
An do chuir thu…?
Did you put…?
An do dh’èirich thu?
Did you get up?
An do dh’èist thu (ri)…?
Did you listen (to)…?
An do dh’fhàg thu?
Did you leave?
An do dh’fhalbh thu?
Did you go (away)?
An do dh’fhosgail thu…?
Did you open…?
An do dh’fhuirich thu…?
Did you stay/live…?
An do dh’ionnsaich thu…?
Did you learn…?
An do dh’ith thu do dhinnear?
Did you eat your dinner?
An do dhanns thu (còmhla ri)…?
Did you dance (with)…?
An do dh’òl thu…?
Did you drink…?
An do dhùin thu…?
Did you close…?
An do dhùisg thu?
Did you wake up?
An do ghabh thu…?
Did you have/take…?
An do ghabh thu bracaist?
Did you have breakfast?
An do leugh thu an leabhar?
Did you read the book?
An do ràinig thu?
Did you arrive?
An do rinn thu/sibh…?*
Did you do/make…?
An do rinn thu an obair-dachaigh?
Did you do the homework?
n do rinn thu càil?
Did you do anything?
An do ruith thu?
Did you run?
An do sgrìobh thu…?
Did you write…?
An do sheinn thu?
Did you sing?
An do shnàmh thu?
Did you swim?
An do shuidh thu…?
Did you sit…?
An Fhraing
An tàinig…?
Did … come?
An tèid thu…?
Will you go…?
An tèid thu dhan dotair?
Will you go to the doctor?
An urrainn dhut…?
Can you…?
An urrainn dhut a dhol…?
Can you go…?
An urrainn dhut/dhuibh ionnsramaid a chluich?*
Can you play an instrument?
free of charge
ann am banca
in a bank
ann am bùth a’ bhùidseir
in a butcher’s shop
ann am factaraidh
in a factory
ann an oifis a’ phuist
in a post office
ann an oifis mhòr
in a big office
ann an sgoil-àraich
in a nursery school
ann an stèisean-rèidio
in a radio station
ann an stiùidio
in a studio
anns a’ mhuir
in the sea
anns an Fhraing
in France
aodach spaideil, an t-aodach spaideil (m)
smart clothes, the smart clothes
as fheàrr
as motha
as òige
Faclair Mòr App

Faclair Mòr App

Stòrlann, in collaboration with Sealgar IT Ltd, have produced a searchable phrasebook app for use in conjunction with the Ceumannan Gaelic learners’ course for secondary schools. The ‘Faclair Mòr’ app contains over 3 200 audio files from the book series and it is hoped pupils using the course will find the app useful as they get to grips with Gaelic.

The app is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

Faclair na Sgoile App

This is a Gaelic to Gaelic dictionary with auto-fill, which is very useful if you are in a hurry, or unsure of the word you’re looking for.

The app also has a Word of the Day feature which appears when you open the app. Try it now at Google Play and the App Store.