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Faclair Mòr C

Gàidhlig gu Beurla

*polite/plural (f) feminine (m) masculine

cairt-puist, a’ chairt-puist (f), cairtean-puist
a postcard, the postcard, postcards
caisteal, an caisteal (m), caistealan
a castle, the castle, castles
Càit am bi thu/sibh ag obair?*
Where do you work?
Càit an deach thu?
Where did you go?
camara, an camara (m), camarathan
camera, the camera, cameras
campa shaor-làithean, an campa shaor-làithean (m)
holiday camp, the holiday camp
a’ campachadh
canù, an canù (m)
a canoe, the canoe
caraidean ùra
new friends
cas, a’ chas (f), casan
leg/foot, the leg/foot, legs/feet
a’ casadaich
ceann, an ceann (m)
head, the head
ceann a deas Shasainn
south of England
ceòl traidiseanta, an ceòl traidiseanta (m)
traditional music, the traditional music
Cha bhi.
No, …will not be. (in answer to Am bi…?)
Cha bhi mi ag obair.
I don’t work /I will not be working.
Cha chuala mi…
I didn’t hear…
Cha deach mi…/Cha deachaidh mi…
I didn’t go…
Cha do bhruidhinn mi (ri)…
I didn’t speak (to)
Cha do bhuannaich mi…
I didn’t win…
Cha do cheannaich mi…
I didn’t buy…
Cha do chluich mi…
I didn’t play…
Cha do choimhead mi…
I didn’t watch…
Cha do chòrd am biadh rium.
I didn’t enjoy the food.
Cha do chòrd e rium.
I didn’t enjoy it.
Cha do chuir mi…
I didn’t put…
Cha do dh’èirich mi.
I didn’t get up.
Cha do dh’èist mi (ri)…
I didn’t listen (to)…
Cha do dh’fhàg mi…
I didn’t leave…
Cha do dh’fhalbh mi…
I didn’t go (away)…
Cha do dh’fhosgail mi…
I didn’t open…
Cha do dh’fhuirich mi…
I didn’t stay…
Cha do dh’ionnsaich mi…
I didn’t learn…
Cha do dh’ith mi…
I didn’t eat…
Cha do dh’òl mi…
I didn’t drink…
Cha do dhanns mi (còmhla ri)…
I didn’t dance (with)…
Cha do dhùin mi…
I didn’t close…
Cha do dhùisg mi…
I didn’t wake up…
Cha do ghabh mi…
I didn’t have /take…
Cha do leugh mi…
I didn’t read…
Cha do ràinig mi…
I didn’t arrive…
Cha do rinn mi…
I didn’t do/make…
Cha do rinn mi mòran.
I didn’t do much.
Cha do ruith mi…
I didn’t run…
Cha do sgrìobh mi…
I didn’t write…
Cha do sheinn mi…
I didn’t sing…
Cha do shnàmh mi…
I didn’t swim…
Cha do shuidh mi…
I didn’t sit…
Cha tàinig…
…didn’t come
Cha tèid.
No, …will not go. (in answer to An tèid…?)
Cha tèid mi…
I will not go…
Cha tuirt…
… didn’t say
Chaidh mi…
I went…
Chan eil an t-airgead math.
The money is not good.
Chan eil càil ceàrr ort!
There’s nothing wrong with you!
Chan eil fhios agam dè tha ceàrr orm.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
Chan eil m’ amhach goirt.
My throat isn’t sore.
Chan eil seo gu bhith goirt idir.
This isn’t going to hurt at all.
Chan eil. Tha e nas miosa.
No. He’s worse.
Chan fhaca.
No, … will not see. (in answer to Am faca…?)
Chan fhaca mi…
I didn’t see…
Chan urrainn.
No, …can’t. (in answer to An urrainn…?)
Chan urrainn dhomh … a chluich.
I can’t play…
Chan urrainn dhomh càil a chluich.
I can’t play anything.
Chan urrainn dhomh spèileadh.
I can’t ice skate.
Cheannaich mi…
I bought…
Chì mi…
I will see…
Chì mi a-rithist thu!
I’ll see you later!
Chì mi Dihaoine thu.
I’ll see you on Friday.
Chì mi Disathairne thu.
I’ll see you on Saturday.
Chluich mi…
I played…
Cho rèidh ri dà cheann eich.
As thick as thieves (very friendly).
Choimhead mi…
I watched…
Chòrd e ri mo sheanair.
My grandad enjoyed it.
Chòrd e rium gu mòr.
I really enjoyed it.
Chòrd snàmh rium.
I enjoyed swimming.
Chosg e…
It cost…
Chuala mi…
I heard…
Chuir mi…
I put…
Yes, …will see. (in answer to Am faca…?)
Chunnaic mi…
I saw…
a’ cuideachadh
cianalas, an cianalas (m)
homesickness, the homesickness
clachair, an clachair (m)
builder, the builder
clann, a’ chlann (f)
children, the children
clàrsach, a’ chlàrsach (f)
harp, the harp
cleasaiche, an cleasaiche (m)
actor, the actor
cluas, a’ chluas (f), cluasan
ear, the ear, ears
club teanas, an club teanas (m)
tennis club, the tennis club
cnatan, an cnatan (m)
cold, the cold (illness)
Cò ris a tha … coltach?
What is … like?
Cò ris a tha thu coltach?
What are you like?
coimeas, an coimeas (m)
comparison, the comparison
coimhead air an eadar-lìon
surfing the net
coiseachd-monaidh (f)
colaiste, a’ cholaiste (f)
college, the college
coltas, an coltas (m)
appearance, the appearance
còmhla ri…
along with…
còmhla ri clann
with children
còmhla ri daoine
with people
còmhla riut
with you
còmhlan, an còmhlan (m)
band, the band
corrag, a’ chorrag (f), corragan
finger, the finger, fingers
còta-uisge, an còta-uisge (m), còtaichean-uisge
raincoat, the raincoat, raincoats
craoladair, an craoladair (m)
broadcaster, the broadcaster
cròileagan, an cròileagan (m)
playgroup, the playgroup
cuad, an cuad (m)
quad bike, the quad bike
Cuin a bhios tu/sibh a’ tòiseachadh?*
When do you start?
Cuin a bhios tu/sibh deiseil?*
When do you finish?
a’ cur a-mach
being sick/vomiting
cur na mara (m)
cur-seachad, an cur-seachad (m)
hobby, the hobby
cur-seachadan, na cur-seachadan
hobbies, the hobbies
Faclair Mòr App

Faclair Mòr App

Stòrlann, in collaboration with Sealgar IT Ltd, have produced a searchable phrasebook app for use in conjunction with the Ceumannan Gaelic learners’ course for secondary schools. The ‘Faclair Mòr’ app contains over 3 200 audio files from the book series and it is hoped pupils using the course will find the app useful as they get to grips with Gaelic.

The app is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

Faclair na Sgoile App

This is a Gaelic to Gaelic dictionary with auto-fill, which is very useful if you are in a hurry, or unsure of the word you’re looking for.

The app also has a Word of the Day feature which appears when you open the app. Try it now at Google Play and the App Store.