Cruinneachadh de chòrr is 30 teacsa a ghabhas cleachdadh ann an obair Leughaidh Cho-roinnte agus Sgrìobhaidh Cho-roinnte aig ceann shuas na bun-sgoile agus ceann shìos na h-àrd-sgoile.
Tha na teacsaichean anns an leabhar ann an ceithir roinnean: neo-fhicsean, ficsean, bàrdachd agus sgeulachdan à beul-aithris na Gàidhlig.
Tha cùl-sgeul a’ mìneachadh cò às a thàinig an earrann, beagan mun t-seòrsa sgrìobhaidh agus fiosrachadh mun ùghdar.
Tha beachdan feumail ann do thidsearan air dòighean san gabh leughadh nan sgoilearan a stiùireadh tro chòmhradh, dràma, ghnìomhan is eile, beachdan airson leudachadh/leughadh a bharrachd, agus cuideachd, beachdan airson obair litreachais san fharsaingeachd, mar eisimpleir dòighean air bàrdachd ‘Can gun robh’ no ‘Smeòrach Mi’ a chleachdadh.
Gheibhear air earrannan PDF a luchdachadh a-nuas gu h-ìosal. Gheibhear an leabhar bho oifis Stòrlann.
A collection of more than 30 texts which can be used in Shared Reading and Shared Writing work in upper primary and lower secondary.
The texts in the book are in four sections: non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and Gaelic folklore.
The background section gives the source of the story, a little about the type of writing, and information about the author.
There are useful suggestions for teachers on ways in which students’ reading and writing can be directed through conversation, drama, activities and so on.
It also provides teachers with ideas for work on literature in general, for example ways in which to use poetry from ‘Can gun robh’ no ‘Smeòrach Mi’.
PDF sections are available for download below. The book is available from the Stòrlann office.